
This clause defines conditions that restrict the returned data or the effect of an UPDATE or DELETE statement.


 condition [AND | OR condition]

where each condition may be one of the following (note that ø is any comparison operator, i.e. "=", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", or "<>"):

 condition [AND | OR condition]


 field1 ø field2


 field1 ø  ALL | SOME singlefieldselect


 field1 [NOT] IN singlefieldselect


 field1 IS [NOT] NULL


 field1 [NOT] BETWEEN value1 AND value2


 field1 [NOT] LIKE wildcardspec

The parts of the where predicate have the following meaning:
Part Meaning
condition a boolean condition as detailed above
field1, field2 the fields being compared
singlefieldselect a select statement returning a table with only one column of data type compatible with the compared field
value1, value2 Inclusive values between which field1 must lie
ALL The predicate is only true if the comparison is true for every row in the singlefieldselect table
SOME The predicate is true if the comparison is true for one or more rows in the singlefieldselect table.
IN The predicate is true if a field1 matches one or more rows of singlefieldselect
IS NULL The predicate is true if the field1 contains the null value
LIKE The field1 is compared against a wildcard specification and matching rows are returned.

NOTE: Only use NULL with the IS operator. This is because every expression evaluates to false if the tested field is null, e.g., field1 = NULL will always be false, no matter what field1 contains

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